Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sick of sickness

This week our whole family has had to deal with sickness. First Miriam came down with a cold, then I got it, then Isaac, and yesterday Mike succumb to the nasty virus. Being home sick with two sick kids has been a pain. I barely get enough sleep as it is and then to be getting up in the night made it really hard. Poor Mike has had to deal with a very grumpy wife.

I usually don't let Miriam watch much TV, but this past week we probably watched The Little Mermaid and Curious George like 3 times each. I'm hoping the weather is good this week so we can get out and about. I'm really sick of being inside for days at a time. I was glad to go to church today with Miriam because that meant I got to leave the house! :)

Since we've been sick this week we haven't done anything really interesting. Valentine's Day is coming up and so is my birthday. We'll see if Mike remembers to get me anything for either of those days.

Maybe I'll have something interesting to write later this week. I'm posting a little video clip of Miriam and Isaac having fun despite being sick.

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