Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I've been meaning to write about guns and self defense for some time, but it's a complex subject, and I was never quite sure how to address it.  I usually come at issues from a philosophical perspective, building up from principles to reach a conclusion, but sometimes other people just knock it out of the park going from data and hard-earned experience instead.  So, rather than try this myself, I'll just put these two excellent items out there, and you should read them in their entirety:

Iowa State Daily article which explains why gun owners and gun rights advocates are digging in their heels.

And here is a good pile of stats to knock it the rest of the way out of the park:

American Gun Facts Infographic

Update: I found one more.  These infographics seem like the new bold emphasis that used to appear during the 1800s.  If you can get past that, they have a few more interesting stats from a recent DOJ report.

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